
xBGAS: A Global Address Space Extension on RISC-V for Scalable High Performance Computing

  報告時間: 2023年8月30日(周三)上午 10:00-11:30

  報告地點: 計算所446會議室

  Emerging data-intensive applications, such as graph analytics and data mining, exhibit tremendous datasets and irregular memory access patterns. Research has shown that these memory-bound applications are unable to effectively leverage the principles of data locality and regular memory accesses within traditional cache-based memory systems to mitigate the “memory-wall” issue. The expansion of data volume has simultaneously driven a transition from monolithic architectures towards systems integrated with discrete and distributed nodes in large-scale computing systems. As such, multi-layered software infrastructures have become essential to bridge the gap between heterogeneous commodity devices. However, operations across synthesized components with divergent interfaces inevitably lead to redundant software footprints and undesired latency. Therefore, a scalable and unified computing platform, capable of supporting efficient interactions between individual components, is desirable for large-scale data-intensive applications. 
  In our presentation, we will unveil the Extended Base Global Address Space, or xBGAS, a novel extension for the RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA), designed for scalable and high-performance computing. The xBGAS extension revolutionizes the landscape by providing native ISA-level support for direct remote shared memory access, achieved through the mapping of remote objects into an extended system address space. Further, we will walk through the performance ramifications of xBGAS through an insightful examination of both software and hardware, employing a wide range of data-intensive workloads.
  王翕博士,清華大學博士后研究員,德克薩斯理工大學客座研究科學家 (Adjunct Research Scientist), 專注于計算機體系結構的科研工作。于2020年在美國德克薩斯理工大學取得計算機科學博士學位, 擁有超過8年RISC-V體系結構設計經驗,含括處理器設計,高性能計算,并行計算,編譯器,二進制轉譯,敏捷開發(fā)工具鏈等領域的科研工作。參與/主持多項由美國國家自然科學基金,美國國防部,美國能源部,深圳市科創(chuàng)委, RISC-V國際基金會資助的科研項目??蒲谐晒?DAC, IPDPS, HPDC, ICPP, TC, TOCS等國際頂級會議和期刊上發(fā)表論文,并榮獲IPDPS 2021年度最佳論文獎,ISSCC 2023 Code-a-Chip芯片設計獎等國際學術會議獎項??蒲谐晒D化被美國西北太平洋國家實驗室 (PNNL),  阿貢國家實驗室 (ANL), 勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室(LBNL), RISC-V國際基金會, 美光科技, 大眾, 英特爾, 谷歌, 等機構和企業(yè)采納使用。



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